What is Considered Discriminatory Treatment at Work in New York?

Even though there are laws against discriminatory treatment in the workplace, employees can still be targets of discriminatory or retaliatory practices. Learn more about how to identify workplace discrimination and the legal options that may be available to you in New York.

What to Do if You Believe Age Discrimination is Harming You at Work in New York

If you think you have been the target of age discrimination in the workplace, it’s critical that you start documenting evidence and reporting the incidents. Contact a skilled New York attorney to discuss your legal rights and options.

What Are Some Reasonable Accommodations That Pregnant Employees Can Ask For at Work in New York?

Federal and state laws allow pregnant workers to request reasonable accommodations from their employers. If you have questions about pregnancy accommodations at work in New York, learn more about your legal rights by calling an experienced employment law attorney.

What Are the Rights of New York Employees With Disabilities?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and New York state laws protect employees with disabilities from acts of discrimination and retaliation. Learn more about how to file an employment discrimination claim by contacting a skilled attorney today.

Can You Be Fired for Filing Wage Claims in New York?

New York workers are entitled to receive at least an hourly minimum wage. If you were terminated or retaliated against for making a minimum wage or an overtime claim, you have options. Contact an employment law attorney today to learn more.