Federal, state, and local laws in New York protect employees from religious discrimination at work. Learn more about your legal rights and options today by contacting a knowledgeable and experienced employment law attorney.
Category Archives: Employment Discrimination
What to Do if You Believe Age Discrimination is Harming You at Work in New York
If you think you have been the target of age discrimination in the workplace, it’s critical that you start documenting evidence and reporting the incidents. Contact a skilled New York attorney to discuss your legal rights and options.
Unlawful Promotion Denial Due to Disability Discrimination in New York
Federal, state, and city laws make disability discrimination by employers against the law. Contact a skilled New York employment law attorney to learn more about your legal rights and options.
How Can You Recognize Pregnancy Discrimination at Work in New York?
Pregnancy discrimination in the workplace is unlawful. If you experience sudden changes in treatment or experience discrimination at work because of your pregnancy, you have legal rights and options. Talk to a trusted New York employment lawyer today to learn more.
The Importance of Documentation in Employment Discrimination Claims
As you work with your New York employment law attorney to prepare a compelling employment discrimination claim, you will need to provide careful documentation, detailed records, and other types of evidence to support your case.
Uncover Gender Identity Discrimination in Hiring Practices in New York
Federal, state, and New York City laws prohibit gender identity discrimination in any aspect of employment, including hiring and job screening practices. If you believe you have suffered workplace-related gender identity discrimination, talk to a skilled employment law attorney to learn more.
Equal Pay for Equal Work: Gender Pay Gap Issues in New York
New York’s equal pay laws aim to close the gender wage gap. If you are earning less than a co-worker of the opposite sex for performing similar work, contact a caring employment law attorney to discuss your options for recovering the compensation you deserve.
What to Expect When Filing a Sexual Harassment Lawsuit in NY
The prospect of filing a sexual harassment lawsuit in New York can seem intimidating. Enlist the guidance of a trusted and caring employment law attorney to support you during this challenging process.